Adding a multiple point loads [SOLVED]


I’m new to using Grasshopper and the FEM-DESIGN API and I would really appreciate some help.

Currently I’m struggling with adding forces in x,y,z direction to a node. I’m using the “Pointload.Define” component and trying to add values to the input “Force”.

The issue I’m facing is that when I input 3 forces in Fx, Fy and Fz I get the resultant of those in FEM -DESIGN. I want the individual forces and NOT the resultant.

Can anybody guide through this?


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Hi @roberta :wave:

If you want to have 3 distinct value, you will need to create 3 different point loads.
Have a look at my image below.

The component is applying 3 different forces to 1 single point :slight_smile:

Does it work for you?

Hello Marco,

Thank you very much for replaying. Yes this solution i tried, but I was hoping there is a “cleaner” way to do it. I often have the feeling that I build my scrips in a very messy way, so I thought this time I ask if there is another way to do it.

Thanks again!

Best regards,

Ehi @roberta

Sometimes, the script can become messy but the use of DataTrees can help in clean it.

However, sometimes is just important to achieve the goal and do not fall in love with the tools.

In programming we say: “if it works, do not touch it” :sweat_smile:

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