Fictitious shell component


I having some troubles using the fictitious shell components. I feed the component with the required information but the Construct model component does not read the shells as elements.

Any Idea why?

The model in FEM Design

Input surfaces

Hi @TommasoVidali

It seems that flexural stiffness have some constraint.

fictitious shell; Message: Can’t import this item, because bad flexural stiffness matrix! (xx * yy <= xy * xy)

Have a look at the “log” file within the “FEM-Design API” folder that the API creates for you.

I will solve the bug and raise an error :slight_smile:

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Always quick response, thanks @MarcoPelle :slight_smile:

Where can I have a look at the log file?

the “logfile.log” is usually located inside “FEM-Design API” folder that it is located where you have saved your .gh file

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Hej @MarcoPelle, i am working together with @TommasoVidali on this project and just just wanted to ask if there is an development on this issue?

Ehy @ojhq !

The tool is working as expected but there is a limitation in the error handling that I still need to develop.

It looks like that you were using input that are not allowed my FEM-Design.


Can’t import this item, because bad flexural stiffness matrix! (xx * yy <= xy * xy)

Did you encounter other issues?

It works now, we had some wrong input in the flexural stiffness definition. :slight_smile: