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You made it this far, so why not introduce yourself? Tell us a little bit about what you do and what you’re into! And since you’re there, why not adding a profile picture, it’s good etiquette!
I’ll start
I’m Marco, Product Owner of FEM-Design API and currently based in Florence. I have previously worked in the industry designing pieces of art. Marco Pellegrino
I studied Civil Engineering in Italy and self taught programming, one of my first languages was Python but currently coding in c#
When I’m not adding new bugs to the FEM-Design API codebase you might find me walking in the mountains, riding my bike or coding while in a swimming pool
Following Marco’s example, I’d like to share a few brief lines about myself. I’m Andi, and I work as an API developer at StruSoft. I’m currently pursuing my Masters in Budapest, Hungary. I am studying structural engineering, and I have a deep interest in bridges.
I am relatively new to the development field, having started this year, but I’m enthusiastic about working on your requests and learning from them.
In my free time, I enjoy watching movies, taking long walks or going hiking in the mountains.
Hey guys! My name is Ryan, I’m a researcher, software engineer and computational designer based in Copenhagen. I just started a consultancy called Graph - we work with a range of industries, from game development, AECO, manufacturers (particularly digital timber production), and I’m very interested in following the development of the API, it’s licensing forms, and how I might built it into our tech stack.
In that regard, if anyone wants to run tests or prototypes, then I have been working with Google Cloud Platform and all it has to offer. On the contrary, I have little serious experience with FEM-Design, so it could be nice to team up.