How can you access RC punching Utilization and detailed results with the API functions?
Hi @dfepe
Have a look at the following method.
You should be able to get access to all the numerical values.
There are some internal discussion about giving access to the “detail results”.
Is it something that you need to export within your workflow?
How does it work with C#? The link is for grasshopper.
Here we go.
public List<string> GetResultsFromBsc(string inputBscPath, string outputCsvPath = null)
FemDesign.Core is pretty much similar to the Grasshopper library.
The output will be a list of string that you will need to work with doing some post processing. Let me know if you get any issue with it and I can give you some guidance.
The method GetResultsFromBsc()
is really flexible and give the possibility to get access to any result output.
It worked with the batch file but the results don’t have enough precision, and I don’t know how to change it.
ehi @dfepe
It is currently no possible to change the precision of the utilisation. As it is a percentage
value, integer should be enough.
Are there any specific reason to have some decimals?
I can forward the request to the developers if needed
Mostly visualization, it usually looks strange to do graphs without decimals. The graph will have weird steps when doing a parametric analysis of some variable of interest.