var reinfRequired = connection.GetResults<Results.RCShellReinforcementRequired>();
var finiteElement = connection.GetFeaModel();
var feNodes = finiteElement.FemNode;
var feBars = finiteElement.FemBar;
var feShells = finiteElement.FemShell;
feNodse is a list of FemNode which will contains information about the coordinates of the nodes
Spot on!
FiniteElement is a made up object which containts a collection of results
public Results.FiniteElement GetFeaModel(Results.Length units = Results.Length.m)
var feaNode = GetFeaNodes(units);
var feaBar = GetFeaBars(units);
var feaShell = GetFeaShells(units);
var fdFea = new Results.FiniteElement(feaNode, feaBar, feaShell);
return fdFea;
If you do not mind, can I ask what are you trying to achieve with your C# code?