Copying point & line connections in 22.9.0 version [SOLVED]


Did anyone have a problem with Model.Deconstruct → Modelling tools component in the newest version of FEM Design API?

It’s suggesting that line / point connections have been added to model

The same message using simple python script:

Good to mention, that previously this method of adding line & point connections from created model works properly. Any advice?

Hi @Tomasz_Gniady !

Are you using Model.AddElements or Model.Construct?

Can you also make sure to share a simple grasshopper script to replicate the bug?

I’m using Model.Construct.

Can I send you model and script via e-mail?
I was testing and for simple modle it works, for model with more elements and connection lines libraries it started crashing with messegae like mentioned above.

Hi @Tomasz_Gniady

You can share a simple grasshopper script where you can reproduce the bug as you have mention above.

Discourse allows to easily share .zip files

uploaded files below. (10.0 KB)

I’m adding in addition fem model, which can be helpful too.

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Using ver 22.10 copying point & line connection works properly. Great job!

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