Switch to Application.Run and it will work like a charm!
Python package has just been released but it is really minimal. It only allows some comunications with the software. We currently do not support any model creation which can be done using some xml library but it is up to the user.
This works perfectly,
I am SOOO excited about this Python API and so impressed by your work!
I am trying to spread the word about FEM-Design as much as I can thanks to you @MarcoPelle!
Is there a smart way to retain the results that are extracted with Application.Run?
For instance saving them as a *.csv file or something to be able to load them into GH at any later point in time?
Because now, Rhino runs out of memory an crashes and internalizing the data does not remain after a restart of the application.
I will experiment with it a little. But as it looks like now, I have no idea which csv -file belongs to which model. Is there a way to name them through GH? And is there a way to access them through the API?
Fundamentally, I would like to “tap” into the *.strFEM files through the API wihout opening the application (as Application.Run does), but maybe that is not practically possible… But since my background is from Abaqus (Brigade), I am used to being able to read output-files directly in Python without involving any other application.
As it is now, it takes equally long time to run the analyses as it takes to extract reactions and bar internal forces for two bars. Mainly because the application must open each time, even for post-processing.
The BSC-files are very powerful (or at least the table/list functionality in FEM-Design), shouldn’t there be a component in GH for that?
The issue happen in case of iterations/optimisations routine. Otherwise, you can use the live-link which is called femdesign.connection which will open FEM-Design only once.
LiveLink in conjunction with the two following components will read the results of the open file in FEM-Design.
The issues (the only few user get) raises when there are iterations which LiveLink can not handle yet.
I am talking batch/interation/optimization for all things! That’s the whole point for me to work with Grasshopper / Python in an automated manner. So as in my case, generating 10 different models for opening stage of a bridge is standard procedure, not even optimization/iteration, but batch-modelling and batch-post processing.
If I imagine a workflow for the post processing as it is right now:
Lets say I have extracted a) Bar internal forces and b) Point Reactions and now want to experiment with labelled sections for just one of the models (the first one) wihout loosing results a & b. Relying on the genrated csv-files would be difficult in an automated manner as I understand it (or?).
So somehow, I need to have a component for fast saving / retrieval of results a & b, for instance by being able to save them with a custom name (or is there already a better/similar solution?).
Of course, but the topic here is “Run many analyses” and it should be added “and post-processing them”
Maybe this is something to implement in the Python API at least, if the demand is not high for similar work-flows by regular users.
Becasue working with openable bridges, I need this approach all the time. It is already very far/well developed i.m.o, I think there are just minor efforts required.
Forgot to mention the issue that a slight miss-click / change in the GH-canvas
can activate the Application.Run to go through all analyses, and would I interrupt the process I loose everything Already happaned many times…
With FEM-Design 24, we will need to refactor the result reading. We will consider implementing a better way to automatise the post-processing in case of multiple models.
As you can understand, it does not happen really often to post-process multiple model at the same time.
However, our C# API would allow you to optimise a little bit your workflow as you would be able to:
FEM-Design will only open once for the entire iteration
save results in a specified folder
Long story short, for the time being, you can stick with the workflow as specified in your image (unless you want to switch to C# or Python)
That is great! I really think you are taking a step in the right direction if you want to compete in the field of bridge engineering, very good!! This is needed as soon as the model changes in any way.
Which field of engineering are you refering to?
In bridges, we have many openable/movable structures but also various and complex construction stages. Both SOFISTIK and Brigade+ (Abaqus) which are your competitors in the field of bridge engineering are capable in one way or another to tackle these challanges. But as for now, I prefere FEM-Design because of its amazing Grasshopper API and un-matched support (by @MarcoPelle).
But of course you have bridge launching which is not uncommon at all, and constrcution stages for arch/cable-stayed/suspension brigdes as well as broken structural elements in different combinations (cables/bars) etc etc…
Do you have an example for Python of post-processing?