

I want to post-process a heavy model which does not seem to work.
Is there a way to do this not through a live link component but directly from the .strFEM file?

Or maybe somehow internalize the data so it reliably stays in GH?

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Ehi @Poja

A possible trick, in this case, would be to do the following:

  • use femDesignConnection component (which will open a special instance of FEM-Design)
  • Manually open the .str file with the open instance of FEM-Design. Do not use the component “open” but do it manually
  • use getCaseComb results

This seems to work for results but not for FiniteElement components, right?

By the way, the getCaseCombResults component loads for ever…

try to place the component in “series” and not in parallel. It should work

If you have a really heavy model, it might takes a lot of time to get all the results. One thing that can speed up the process is to use input ComboName or Case Name so that you can reduce the amount of data.

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can you double check that your .str file has been analysed? Can you manually see the results in the GUI?
