Saving a mode shape [SOLVED]


Is it possible to retrieve a mode shape when an eigenfrequency analysis has been run? I am correctly getting all the frequencies and periods, but I am unsure if it is possible to save the deformed structure in the first mode.

Perhaps NodalVibration component? But I am unsure how it works

Thank you!

I believe i solved it - i forgot to choose Nodal Vibration in the analysis setup

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You are right :slight_smile:

If you want, you can start using our LiveLink which will allow you to seemlessly work with an open instance of FEM-Design

Hi @MarcoPelle

The LiveLink is working perfectly fine for me.

However, I am generating a large number of models and doing modal analyses, and I would like to save the mode shape for each model that I am generating.

I am a bit unsure how to plot the mode shape of a structure in Grasshopper using the NodalVibration results component. Can you provide some guidance? :slight_smile:

Hi @AKiaer

Have a look at the following example :slight_smile:

The idea is to use Key-Value search to do remapping between results and FEM model

Practical example - Post (8.3 MB)