Cover - Supporting elements

My GH to FEM model runs fine with Surface Load + the Cover component without the Supporting elements added to Cover.

However that causes issues in FEM see below image.

When adding Supporting elements in GH connected to Cover the open model gets stuck in processing, it says connection is null.

I am not sure how to solve this and can’t find any examples in your blog on how to use the cover component.

it seems that you are using supporting elements that does not belong to the cover.

What happen if you click “Continue” ? Does the “processing” disappear?

Then it calculate without those surface loads. I just spent some time with Matttia looking at it and I think we solved it. Needed to add the structural element surface by surface sort of. I let you know if continued issues, thanks :smiley:

Hi @MarcoPelle

I’m not sure if anyone has encountered this issue before, but when I try to use a cover along with some fictitious bars (without truss behavior), it doesn’t seem to work. However, this can be easily adjusted manually in the FEM model by selecting the fictitious bar as a supporting member.

Is this a bug or am I wrong?

Hi @AndreiM !

Technically, it is not a BUG as we were only supporting Bar or Slab elements :slight_smile:

However, we can extend the behaviour to more elements as FEM-Design allows it.

I will update the component for next release of the API.

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That is great to hear, thank you :smiley: