The current PTCShape component is good for shape in single span beam.
But for multispan continious beam, there are several issues:
- Some tendons in multispan continious beam do not start at the start point of the beam, while in the PTCShape component, the start point is always the start point of the beam line.
- For curved tendon. most engineers use spline or Line+Arc method to describle the shape. You can find more infomation in Midas Civil’s website about Line+Arc method. “If Round is selected in Curve Type”. Tendon Profile
- The current PTCShape component only considers tendon having curves in vertical plane, while some tendons have curves in both vertical and horizontal planes, especially in cured bridge.
Ehi @netsonicyxf 
Thanks for your feedbacks!
- Am I wrong or is it actually possible to have a start/end point different from the end points of a beam? I jave tried with Grasshopper and it worked.
Basically, the input line for PTC does not have to be the same as per the beam element. You can use a different line geometry as a subdomain on a beam line.
Practical example - Post-tensioned cables within the (25.4 KB)
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I know PTC can be added to the Beam. Can PTC be added to the plate/shell in the GH as well?
Hi @netsonicyxf
Unfortunately, not yet.
It did not happen that often as a request.
Can you please clarify how much is important for your work? 
It seems a good feature to implement 
Hello @MarcoPelle
The tendons in slab/shell are widely used in various structures.
Such as post-tensioned floor slab
post-tensioned silo
post-tensioned mat foundation
post-tensioned bridge
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Do you work with most of those type of structures using FEM-Design? It would be great if you can also share some of your work with our marketing deparment 
They would be really happy to give you some visibility and credits with our community based.
Most of our work are related to bridge and civil structures. We are testing the new softwares to see if they are suitable to our projects.
Let me know if I can help in anyway. Our API is fully mantained and we actively help our user when needed 
Can I ask for which company are you working on?