Point Connections for CLT Panels [SOLVED]

Hi there!

We are trying to set point connection spring stiffness representing hold down and shear connections between CLT walls stacked on each other, by using the PointConnection command.

However, it seems that when we set the point connection stiffness when using the TimberPlate.Construct component, the two walls we want to connect are not recognized in FEM-Design.

I have tried to upload a very crude script showing the problem - when opening FEM-Design and running the analysis, the two walls seem to not be connected (for example when looking at deflection results). It can also be seen in the Structure tab, where the point connection does not seem to understand which elements to connect.
CLT_Wall_PointConnection.gh (33.5 KB)

Any help appreciated!

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Hi @AKiaer !

There is a bug and I will fix it in the next release that should be early next week.

The generate .struxml is missing the ref attribute unfortunately.


Bug has ben fixed in version 23.2.0 which will be release in the next version 23.3.0! :slight_smile:

Hey Marco,
Thanks for the quick support. Will v23.3.0 be released next week?


It has been just release and you will find it in PackageManager.

It might be that you need to replace your old component to make it working :slight_smile: