Is it possible currently to set stiffness values between timber panels, the same way as in FEM-design? Or do you have to create a new element in grasshopper for each panel? See the pictures below
Is it possible currently to set stiffness values between timber panels, the same way as in FEM-design? Or do you have to create a new element in grasshopper for each panel? See the pictures below
Hi @AKiaer
It does not seems possible to do it in Grasshopper. How urgent is to implement the access to the properties from Grasshopper? Are you trying to perform some optimisation?
Hi Marco,
I suppose it is practically the same thing to just split the panel element into multiple elements corresponding to the size of the real CLT panel. This can be done within Grasshopper with surface split. I think this will give the same result, so it is not that urgent.
Thank you!
Hi @AKiaer!
Splitting the panels into smaller, continuous elements can work. What you need to be careful about is setting up the edge connections correctly. The same settings for the stiffness of the edge connections will give you the same results as you can see in the attached FEM-Design model (sample.str).
sample.zip (2.4 MB)
Hi @anLor
Thank you, but unfortunately I am still a student, so my student license does not open the file you provided!
Hi! @AKiaer!
Now I’ve attached a .struxml version. You can open it in the same way as the .str file.
sample.struxml (195.3 KB)