There is not Design Group Type eligible for Slab

Hi Marco, I was thinking maybe you can help me with a quick question. I have a model with walls and a plate, and I would like to design only the plate but I cannot make a design group for a plate. Do you know what am I doing wrong here? :smiley:

Hi Marco,

Iโ€™ve attached a quick exercise I created to test selecting and designing only the bottom plate, without designing the walls.

In the attached Grasshopper script, Iโ€™ve also marked two additional questions:

  1. In the analysis settings, when calcDesign is turned on, does it mean the model recalculates based on the existing reinforcement, or will it auto-design the elements again?
  2. Regarding the quantity estimation result, do you know why I canโ€™t select this option and get the result? Am I missing something? :smile:

Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks again for your help!
FEM-Design - Bottom plate (41.8 KB)

Hey @AndreiM

  1. looks like there is a new bug due to a new femdesign release related to concrete estimation.

For the time being, you can use GetResultsFromBsc using the attached .bsc file.

quantity_estimation.bsc (4.6 KB)

  1. Unfortunately, there is no currently way to specify which element can be design. By default, the entire structure will be designed. I will open a ticket to have the features open.
  2. CalcDesign within the Analysis.Define component will be removed in the next release
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Thank you again Marco for your fast support, it really is helpful :smiley:


if you are familiar with C#, you can create any design group without restrictions.

If you want to try, there is a little guide that shows how to reference a .dll in grasshopper. (755.3 KB)

You will need to specify the c# input component in such a way that you set the right type.

var designGroup = new FemDesign.Calculate.CmdDesignGroup
    Type = FemDesign.Calculate.DesignGroupType.RCSurfaceLong,
    Name = "MyDesignGroup",
    Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red,
    Guids = slabs.Select(x => x.SlabPart.Guid).ToList()

Let me know if you need some help. It is really helpful to know these tricks :slight_smile: