Maximum/Minimum value for each bar


Is there a better way or a component I’ve missed for extracting maximum and minimum value for e.g for each column in your model?

I think I solved it with the “Path Mapper”-component but is there an easier way to do this with API-components?

Hi @FredrikJannesson !

you can probably use “Shift paths” instead of “Path mapper”.

There are several trick/solution when working with DataTree in Grasshopper.

In the near future, we will improve the Result part deconstructor with some additional filtering ( such as selecting only results for some specific elements from a list of results )

Hi @MarcoPelle

Sounds good!

For someone who hasn’t used APIs in quite a while, I’m stunned by how simple it is now compared to before. The amount of information available from each component is amazing.

Is there a way for us to access the detailed result from grasshopper or from VS/C#? I searched the github and could only find the utilization

It would be awesome to be able to print some detailed result to PDF

We do have some options for C# and Grasshopper!

The dsc template is explained here

Our C# documentation is unfortunately not available and it is better to learn from examples :slight_smile: